Glyndŵr Pub
‘The book is an absolute must for all those who value their Welsh heritage, and for all those who wish to see Welsh women accorded their rightful place in history…' ‘Author and publisher Terry Breverton - who estimates he has written a million words in two years - launches his latest work, 100 Great Welsh Women - in Cardiff next week. The result of another extensive trawl through time, it celebrates the history and achievements of Welsh women through the ages.’ ‘Breverton's breadth, generosity and sheer enthusiasm about Wales are compelling.’ ‘These are not necessarily books that you want to read from cover to cover, but to browse in, following your nose, as one section leads to another in a serendipitous sequence that throws up some pleasant surprises. Both are really extraordinary achievements by a single author whose industry and enterprise seem to show no bounds … Terry Breverton is to be congratulated.' - Professor Meic Stephens (revised 2017)